“I try to read my scripture and journal daily, sometimes I go three days straight before other priorities demand my attention…then I won’t read or journal for another week. Why should I follow this plan anyway?”
Some of you reading this may be able to relate to all or some of the above statement/question. Maybe you are a new Christian and simply wondering why this is important. The daily Bible reading plan will track you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in a year. Bible Journaling is designed to be used as a daily devotional study for personal spiritual growth. Following the daily reading plan together, as a corporate body, makes for great testimonies and can quite often result in God speaking clearly to a group of people (i.e. Cornelia Avenue Southern Baptist Church!). It is great for accountability, discipline and for systematic instruction in God’s Word.
Each journal you complete will consist of a table of contents for a quick reference to check where you have been. A clear history of your spiritual growth and journey with God will be recorded as you journal using the principle (S = Scripture, O = Observation, A = Application, P = Prayer) and conclude each daily entry with the question “How will I be different today, because of what I’ve just read?”
Many people ask the question “Why should I journal?” Well why not! Stay the course and see how God can speak to you and through you each day. It is an invaluable way of creating time to learn more about God and His ways through His Word and in prayer.
Throughout the book of the Psalms, King David speaks of meditating (dwelling on, thinking about) on God’s Word. God’s Word is ‘living and active, sharper than any two edged sword’ (Hebrews 4:12). It is our primary weapon in the spiritual battle we live in. The Apostle Paul speaks of this battle throughout his letters in the New Testament (see 2 Corinthians 10:4 and Ephesians 6:10 – 18 for examples of this).
We need God’s Word to help guard our hearts and minds, to encourage, to inspire and to challenge us. Let’s do it together with truth, accountability and love.
Get a whole lot more out of life…reading the Bible daily and journaling! We are praying for your journey.
Follow the links below to open and download the Bible Reading Bookmarks or pick one up in the foyer the next time your at church.
To get a Life Journal with instructions for Bible Journaling ask on of the staff the next time your at church or purchase one from the following website: