BREAKER ROCK BEACH Vacation Bible School

TeamKID…… Wednesdays: 6-7:30 PM!

Why Do Kids Love TeamKID?  

The answer is one word: fun. TeamKID is a blast for kids from 3 years old  through 5th grade. Along the way, parents, pastors, and kids’ workers are  glad to know their children are learning valuable Biblical truths that will influence them the rest of their lives.  

What happens in a TeamKID meeting?

TeamKID is designed for children to do more than memorize Scripture. It helps children understand what the verses they memorize mean because all parts of the TeamKID meeting focus on one Bible message. The noncompetitive games, Bible story, memory verse, missions, and conclusion all contribute to help children understand and apply God’s Word to their lives. A TeamKID meeting has five parts with each one flowing into the next to keep the pace moving with non-stop energy:

  • WARM-UP is the opening activity that begins as soon as the first child arrives at TeamKID.
  • WORKOUT includes energized, interactive Bible study as children hear or experience a Bible story, learn the meaning of a Bible verse, apply Bible truths to their lives, sing, and pray.
  • REACH OUT uses either the missions DVD, missions activities, or mission action projects to teach children about missions around the world.
  • STRETCHING is when children work on learning the memory verse.
  • THE TOURNAMENT is a time to run, play, and laugh with fun games and activities that reinforce the Bible study.